is the story of a tear, shed over a broken heart, powerful enough to flood the
world and bring a new one into being. I believe emotions create—and
destroy—real worlds. A person can live in his or her own pain, sorrow,
happiness, or surprise, so I wrote a
character whose emotions literally created a world. That’s where I found
It’s saga of heart-stopping romance, devastating
secrets, and dark magic.
2-Are the characters in this book same in
some things like characters from yours earlier books? Or are they completely
different from them?
The main difference is in the voice, which is
what always distinguishes novels for me. Eureka is a thrilling heroine to
write—she's strong, funny, sensitive, and she has a beautiful strange
imagination that she shares only with the reader. Her love story is darker than
Lucinda's, but possesses a similar epic grandness.
3-What did inspire you when you wrote
this story? Why Atlantis and things around?
I used to live in rural northern California. Our closest
lake was a flooded valley that had once been the site of a small village.
Imagined ghosts of this underwater town haunted me, leading to an obsession
with flood narratives, from Noah’s Ark to Plato’s Atlantis to Mesopotamia’s
I was especially drawn to the legend of Atlantis:
a glorious and advanced ancient civilization that disappeared so completely
under the ocean it slipped into the realm of myth.
Inspiration struck one day when I was crying. My
husband was listening to my sob story, but he couldn’t reach me; I was trapped
under the flood of my emotions. But then, he extended his hand, touched the
corner of my eye with his finger, and captured the tear welling up. I watched
as he brought my tear to his face, as he blinked it into his own eye. Suddenly
we were bound by this tear. Suddenly I wasn’t alone. And suddenly, I had the
first scene between my hero and the boy she loved.
4-Eureka and Ander...little unsual names
:D How did you get to it?
means, “I found it” in Greek. Though she is a girl who is quite lost for much
of the book, her name speaks to her destiny. Ander is named for Leander, the
love interest in the romantic myth (and poem) Hero and Leander.

I’ve just finished writing the sequel to Teardrop, which will publish in the US in October. After this, I’ll be taking some time off for the
birth of my son in June.
6-It is not a long time you were in
Budapest. (It is near us! :D) How did you like it?
It was magical. I’ll be sharing more details from my visit soon.
7-Is in Teardrop love triangle?
The love triangle in
Teardrop is between Eureka, Ander (the mysterious new boy), and Brooks (her
oldest friend). I had a sense of where Eureka’s destiny would lie at the
beginning, and it was thrilling to see how different her journey became as I
was writing the book.
8-In the end: Did you want say something
your Slovak and Czech fans?